concentric ficcing

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  • Fic: Cordy/Wes/Angel

    chlare May 25, 2010 12:57

    One Double Wedding, Coming Right Up

    Fandom: Angel the Series
    Pairing: Wes/Cordelia/Angel
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Nada
    Spoilers: None that I can think of
    Word Count: 1596
    Disclaimer: The Angel gang belongs to Joss Whedon and David Greenwalt, et al. I'm just fiddling with them, not for profit.
    A/N: For the Week 2 prompt, Accidental Marriage. The ( Read more... )

    angel/wes/cordelia, my fic, concentric ficcing

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  • Concentric Fic - Week 2

    chlare May 18, 2010 20:52

    Well, we had two fics for the Week 1 prompt:

  • strangecreature wrote: Irreversible Things - Jurassic Park III, Billy/Alan, PG, ~1800 words
  • I wrote: You Can Lead a Horse to Water, But He Can't Always Drink - NCIS, Tony/multiple, R, ~1800 words

  • This week's prompt: Accidental Marriage. :D Ever woken up with a wedding band on your finger and no clue how it got ( Read more... )

    concentric ficcing

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  • Fic: NCIS, Tony/Everybody

    chlare May 18, 2010 12:44

    You Can Lead a Horse to Water, But He Can't Always Drink

    Fandom: NCIS
    Pairing: Tony/Gibbs, Tony/McGee, Tony/Abby, Tony/Ziva
    Rating: R-ish.
    Warnings: Nada
    Spoilers: None that I can think of
    Word Count: 1851
    Disclaimer: Tony and the NCIS gang do not belong to me; no copyright infringement intended.
    A/N: For the Week 1 prompt, Crossing the desert. ( Read more... )

    tony/abby, my fic, tony/ziva, tony/gibbs, concentric ficcing, tony/mcgee

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  • Okay! Fic it!

    chlare May 11, 2010 18:23

    This week's prompt is: Crossing the desert. Per strangecreature's suggestion I went hunting through TV Tropes. I'm all about road trips, so this should be interesting. Any desert, any mode of transportation, 1 character or a bunch... They've got to get across the desert (it could be a metaphorical desert, eh?) for X reason and stuff happens. What happens in ( Read more... )

    concentric ficcing

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  • Re: ficcing it up

    chlare May 11, 2010 14:58

    Sooo.... screw it, I'm doing what I want ( Read more... )

    concentric ficcing

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